Sunday, February 3, 2008

OZ Super Bowl Coverage

So the Super Bowl was televised on local (free) TV here. The game was broadcast by Dick Stockton and Sterling Sharpe which was extremely painful, though I would rather deal with Sterling Sharpe than Joe Buck. I have never in my life have seen one announcer SO TIED and pulling for one team more than Sterling Sharpe for the Giants. I wish I had wrote down all of the idiotic things he said. Some that stood out were:
- "Wes Welker is more valuable than Randy Moss." Um, if Moss is not on the field, than Welker would not be in single coverage with the safety tied to Moss.
- The other annoying thing is that with any questionable call, Sterling ALWAYS took the Giants side emphatically.
- Anytime there was a big play, Sterling would prefix his sentence with, "Like I said...". I mean, everyone loves to hear someone say how right they were even though their previous statements were very general.

In regards to the game, there were no commercials. Instead, they would kick it back to these 3 Aussie guys who would comment on the progress of the game, one of them a former NFL player. As bad as they were, it was nothing as close to as bad as Steve Salisbury so I could put up with it OK.

One of the 3 commenters was Sav Rocca, who used to play for the Australian Football League, is the punter for the Eagles, and probably took the biggest lick of the year. Rocca was asked how he got along with the marquis players like McNabb, Westbrook, and Dawkins. Unsurprisingly, he said they ignored him and that NFL players don't have the comradery that the Aussie sports have. Haha. Like if I was a punter for the Skins I would really want to hang out with Fred Smoot and Clinton Portis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sterling gets an unfair bad rap from some people.

And sorry to break it to you, but that is NOT Sterling in that photo you used. That is actually his little brother, SHANNON Sharpe.