Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bondi Beach Sunrises...

So I am in the habit now of waking up at 6:00AM for the sunrise and running back and forth along the 3/4 mile promenade. The beach is super-packed at this hour with all these workout clubs. There is an amazing sunrise picture I want to buy (from the same professional that took the one above)...the problem is it costs a $1K, so I'm trying to catch my own. My camera is good enough for it and has the mega-pixel size needed, but the weather is not cooperating. It's been overcast here 2 straight weeks and the morning sun has not been able to break the clouds...but I have gotten some decent snaps. Here are the pictures from yesterday.

Here are some more from the professional photographer I'm trying to get.

Although now that I think about it, my camera probably will never compare to his Canon 1d MkII ($7500). oh well.


Pete said...

Any chance we can get a video of you running...even if it'll look like a stick figure in a flip book!

Anonymous said...

If you do post the video, please the wear what Rocky wore as he ran up the beach including half shirt, short shorts, and pulled up tube socks with the colored stripes. Can't wait