Sunday, January 6, 2008

Small World & Best Game Ever

So I'm walking home from dinner and I see a lot of people in front of the restaurant that I live above. I see one girl that looks A LOT like this girl I went to Loyola with, Deirdre (who one of my good friends dated). I gave a hard look and was like 'Nah, no way.' I heard one person in the group with an American accent, which is actually very rare in Sydney, but I still just walked on. I emailed one of her friends for the hell of it who replied that Deirdre is in fact in Sydney. So I emailed her and met up with her and her boyfriend for drinks. What a small world. It was great seeing someone from Loyola since none of my friends will pony up and come out here! wusses.

As for this telepathic game, its quite amazing. It takes 2 people to do it, so I will need to teach someone back over there the trick to make it work, but the way it works is basically I have someone at the bar (this is a great intro by the way) whisper any celebrity into my ear (you don't hear it). By snapping my fingers anywhere from 1-5 times you say the name of the celebrity. I don't mouth anything to you, it's just really clever. Any of the people who are not in on the joke are literally flabbergasted. I was for sure trying to figure it out and of course they never want to give up the secret, but I figured out half of it overhearing a conversation when they screwed it up once. Either way, we're gonna have a lot of fun with this one back in the States. I'm only going to tell one of you the trick so all you f'ers don't steal it and spread it around like a Paris Hilton STD. I am accepting applications now via Comments.


Anonymous said...

I formally apply.

I was thinking about some other things I want to read about on the blog. What about any cuisine that is special to Australia? have you had Kangaroo yet? What about Koala?

Anonymous said...

the phillies broadcasters have been doing that trick for years while shit faced at mcfaddens after business persons specials. usually right before they start doing body shots off the waitresses. it is pretty amazing

Anonymous said...

The last time you saw a vagina was your birth. You should really take this serious.

Anonymous said...

My vote goes to anonymous.

Anonymous said...

I concur.

FooFoo said...

Anonymous, if that really is your name, way to steal that joke from from someone else...a dog puppet no less that was funny 5 years ago!

I think Fozzy Bear has a few knock-knock jokes you may want to look over.

Anonymous said...

how many bloomin onions have you eaten in the last month?