Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Obama vs. Hillary

So being the only American in Sydney, the new question I get asked all the time is who is going to win the election. And since I am American, I am therefore Miss Cleo and can predict the future. Almost all the Australians I've met seem to want Hillary to win, but don't worry everyone, I am single-handedly turning them all against her. Haha. It's true, my biggest problem with her, besides having to look at this mug everyday for 4 years, is that I really have no idea what her stance is on anything. I do foresee 50% taxes when she gets into office and lots of behind-closed-doors lesbian parties (the butch kind, not the hot ones).
Anyway, the Republican party has no chance given how bad Bush screwed up so I have little faith there, and none of the Republic candidates seem to jump out as being honest people that would make me care. I've been telling the Aussies just to relax because these current polls mean absolute jack squat. Remember how well Kerry was doing and then that picture of him in the bunny suit got released? Bango...his numbers dropped. And they slammed his wife. The mudslinging won't kick into full gear until June and that's when the polls really matter.

As for you today's "Did you know"... it is actually mandatory that every Australian votes in the prime minister election. If you do not, you get fined and have to appear at a court. Their elections are on a Saturday which makes things easier. As I thought initially this was a good idea, it would no way work in the US. The lady I work with who I was talking to this about, I told her, "If you saw some of the people in DC, you would not want them voting." I will never forget the cab I took to Adams Morgan one night where I asked the cab driver who he was voting for in the 2004 election (I did this to all the cabbies for a solid month). His response, which I will paraphrase for you since I am the only fluent Ebonics-ian in this blog group, was:

"Well, all I know is I want to vote for the winner. And I seen that George Bush is winning so I'm going to vote for him".

Lord help us. U-S-A!!! U-S-A!!!


Anonymous said...

Just keep telling them that Huckabee will revolutionize the tax system. Them you can explain the FairTax system to them. Think about it, no IRS, no APril 15th, and you get to bring home your entire paycheck every month. They'll get down with that even though its impossible becasue tax lobbyists run DC.

Pete said...

just tell them that you that your friend john is the lesser known, less celebrated Obama Boy. John, are you still trying to sell those Obama thongs?

Unknown said...

Things got a little more interesting when Bill Clinton spoke at a campaign rally and launched into Obama with Bill's "FAIRY TALE" comment on Obama -- this got everything amped up -- May the Games Begin! So far, in my opinion, they all suck! A pathetic cast of characters........the USA is on a slippery slope and it doesn't seem anyone of this bunch can help.......but after the Feb big primaries the crowd should thin out.

Anonymous said...

Kevco - Hate to burst your bubble but the most democratic candidates only want to raise taxes for those in the highest bracket, so you should be unaffected. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, you really trust ANY politician about who exactly will have the taxes raised on. With the deficit we have, we're all going down.