Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So an article just came out in the Sydney Herald stating that Australia just beat out the U.S. as the fattest nation in the world. I don't know who or by what methods they came by this result, but whoever wrote this article has obviously never been to the US. Let me describe my day to you YESTERDAY, and this is just ONE DAY.

8:15 AM - Walking up the Metro escalator at my stop for work. There is a person so obese that I cannot pass. And I'm not talking about it being a close squeeze to get by...I mean a walking toothpick could not have made it by either (yes, I know I am walking tooth pick too, so save that joke Pete).

5:27PM - On the jammed Metro home. Someone farted really bad, and I'm talking about one of those hanging wet ones that just will not die. Cannot move. Everyone is looking around. This has nothing to do with obesity...just miserable.

5:34PM - Order my burrito at Chipotle. The guy asks the person behind me for her order. I move over as much as I can, but I don't realize my backpack is still blocking her. Lady bumps me..."EXCUSE ME!!" (in a mean voice). I look back...lady is probably 240 pounds. An array of insults pop into my head to fire back with. My Catholic upbringing throws up the filters and none of them make it through. I roll my eyes and ignore her.

8:25PM - I am sitting upright in my seat at the Nationals game (not leaning back or anything). I get hit in the back of the head. I look back and a person continues walking down the row...their fat hanging off their sides is what hit me in the head. Roll my eyes again.

Now, even though yesterday was an above average day, it was still rather a common thing. Having lived in Sydney, that never happened once that I can recall. Although obesity is a sad thing, people need to help themselves first. I had said at one point that the government should force all fast-food restaurants to make their doors 16 inches wide, and only those people that fit through can eat there. That would solve 2 problems:

1.) It would prevent obese people from the temptations of poor food.
2.) It would help lower the sky-rocketing health care costs of obesity.
(Not to mention it would be comical to see the borderline people get wedged)

The New York Times reported how EMS and hospitals have been complaining that today's ambulances are no longer strong enough to transport the weight of some people. THAT IS RIDICULOUS.

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